One of my closest friendships died tonight.
I guess that's not accurate. The soul of this friendship died when I left for college, and I've been keeping it on life support, trying to ignore what was in front of my face for over a year. I'm sad... but I've been struggling with this for a year, and I can't feel the deep sense of loss that would have accompanied the demise, had it happened in October or November of last year.
I do find it rather ironic that it happened the day of a dentist appointment. This confirms so much.
There were good moments -- a lot of them, actually... and I'd like to remember them.
-Bug Club and other performances. We could improv together like no other actors I've seen. If she does go on to get her degree in acting, she'll be amazing.
-The bypass. There, my love for my Lumina was fully realized.
-Guardian. I couldn't have fleshed out the ideas without her, much less written them out.
-Wal-Mart. Yes, Wal-Mart.
-Hurricane Isabel. I can't believe I'm listing this as a good time, but we were good friends then, helping out each other's families as the city began to patch up the damages.
-Geometry tutoring: because z=46.
-Cemeteries. This needs no explanation.
-Midnight pizza & cheese sticks... I never said the good times were healthy.
-Packing & running for New Life Family Center, alias the church of exorcism that, unbelievably, helps the community.
-All-nighters in Guardian Care, and all the card games they entailed.
-Lifetime movies... when Blockbuster was just too expensive.
-My very first car chase!
-Van Helsing, Underworld, the original Dracula, and other such cheezy vampire movies.
-"Vampire," by Blindside; anything Tapping the Vein; anything with the windows down.
-Trips to Avon, hanging out under the pier, and cheating Dirty Dick's Crabhouse out of its dollar.
-Trips to Virginia and that funky ocean game at the arcade.
-Living, at least occasionally, for the moment.
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