
So many great quotes this weekend...

...But I can't remember them. This lapse in memory initially disappointed me, but I suppose it's for the best... perhaps my brain is forcing me to live in the moment. Besides, if I remember our conversations correctly, it's not the kind of thing you want to remember, per se... should one wear white or not?

Even if you think you understood that, you didn't. No... really. And you should be happy in your ignorance.

So, here's to weeks spent in the Outer Banks with best friends and mosquitos... and:

-Late night walks on the beach, with a low moon over the ocean and fireworks in the air.
-The fairgrounds and all that they entail: the Ferris wheel, the Spyder, and the roller coaster.
-Driving up and down the beach road while the family of said best friend tries to find a hotel.
-Boy Meets World.
-Lifetime movie mockery.
-Five days of (semi) veganism. Well, more like four. Hummus!
-Nostalgia... ah, the good old days.
-Summer movies and Messianic music.
-Knee driving... and the horrible conversations that always accompany it.

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