Sunday Death... it's a little known disease that came over on merchant ships from South Africa, carried by rats and small monkeys, and once you have been bitten by one of the infected, you must choose between DYING OF STRESS and failing all your classes... I chose dying of stress, and, as I usually do, got lucky. I think I'm building up an immunity. Take that, monkeys!
I pulled a sort-of-all-nighter on Sunday night... specifically, I got an hour of sleep (7:15-8:15). I then dropped off a paper at my 8:30 class, came home, studied like mad, took a Macro exam, skipped Justice to proof my USFP paper, dropped off said paper, took that exam and then a long breath. Let me tell you... that feeling of happiness when it's all over makes everything you've gone through worth it... ah, blissful, blissful LACK OF PAIN... I came home, and collapsed, and by collapsed what I clearly mean is "cleaned my room, had dinner, went out with Crystal."
Oh, I guess that's newsworthy... Crystal, in a completely unplanned development, is visiting me. She'll be here until Sunday. Yay! Unfortunately, the weather isn't cooperating with our plans and I haven't really gotten to show her DC yet. Hopefully, however, we will be clubbing it up on Thursday night... which means skipping debate, which I am thoroughly okay with, due to incidents of last Friday that I can't journal. I hate it when I can't journal important stuff for stupid reasons, but hopefully you all know by now.
I'm making a little extra cash tomorrow from 9:00-12:30... and a lot of extra cash staffing a tournament at the NARC (for which I unfortunately won't get paid for another couple of weeks, but when I do, my paycheck will be -- to quote Adam -- THIS big --------------------------------).
The new Mask of Zorro comes out Friday -- and Crystal will actually be here for it! I wish she could stay until Halloween night... but apparently she has these "class" things to attend... how very Communist of her.
And at last, some photos from when Rick stayed with us weekend before last... Hover your mouse over the picture for comments.

And from when I made Shea into a dirty Mexican (bruise in the second picture (c) Kat 2005)...

And, finally, some random antics...

And there you have it... I love college.
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