
We're back / And you tell me I am home

...Mainly because I am. Yes, folks, Ah'm haeir in tha gud oew'd South. And, God help my soul, it's good to be back.

The windows in my room are open and the sun is streaming in. It's golden and light and airy and cool and welcoming and strangely serene. I could bike down to the waterfront (it's not sketchy during the day because the potheads only come out at night) and look at the sun gleaming on the water and stroll down Main Street with nothing on my mind.

I am dreaming of white lilies and wild horses and fresh air.

I can only imagine how pretty it is in the old downtown area - there will be flowers and old shops and forgotten childhood blooming everywhere. I don't want to waste a moment - I will remember, and reflect, and regret, and lay all these thoughts away in the white gloss of a September afternoon.

This, my friends, is summer's last hurrah.

*Note: I disabled anonymous comments because of rampant comment advertising, so if you want to leave one, you need either OpenID (LJ supplies it) or a Blogspot account. Lo siento.

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