In unrelated news, our dorm room will be holding three people for a while. Before you ask, AU did not put us in a forced triple... my friend Carey has nowhere to stay for a few weeks and she's going to be bouncing about campus staying with friendly souls.
Sara's friend JB stayed here for a while. I kinda miss him. Come back, JB!
Finally... I'm seriously considering changing my major. Again. My "life plan" might now involve going to law school. Eep. Or I might keep it the way it is... maybe I just like change too much for my own good.
I've started drawing when I'm depressed. It makes me happy. So far, I have sketches of a black widow spider and a cat. I want to do something surreal, but right now I'm just learning to draw. I've been really bad at it all my life.
This entry is unusually disconnected, even for me. I feel like my readers hold me to a higher standard... I didn't mean to let you down.
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