
"Yeah, these die are totally weighted. Clearly you're part of an underground gambling ring. Your game is up and I'm gonna tell your parents."

Tonight I babysat the coolest kid EVER. For those who read Animorphs, he was mini-Marco: hilarious and sardonic. As soon as I got there he looked at me, went up, got the DC version of Monopoly, and started laying out money. Now, despite my intense heartage of Monopoly, I haven't played in years. AND I GOT TO BUY UNION STATION. DANCE DANCE. He informed me that I was not like other babysitters at all, but he seemed to like that, so... yay?

More for my benefit than yours... I present a to-do list.
-Narc work every night until this Sunday, and possibly a little more afterward
-Monday: Spanish presentation, Macro paper, & Theories of Democracy paper #1 on reading that will be absorbing my life tomorrow; meeting w/US Foreign Policy professor for the on-campus debate
-Tuesday: Babysitting from 12:30-5:30
-Thursday: Spanish debate, Theories of Democracy paper #2
-Friday: Babysitting from 12-6
-Saturday: Babysitting from 7-12
-Monday: Theories of Democracy final
-Tuesday: Babysitting from 12:30-5:30
-Wednesday: Intro to Justice final, if he lets me move it
-Thursday: US Foreign Policy & Macro finals
-Friday: Spanish final & HOME!!

The list doesn't look that bad written out, which is exciting. And soon... it shall be done.

Lately I have been on an Eve6 binge... mainly because they have lyrics like this:

Lay off the coffee and the Kafka and the coughing
Lay off the means to an end
And mean what you say more often

-"Still Here Waiting," Eve6

I'm officially procrastinating now, so off to work...

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