
Resolutions for the Rest of the 2005 Calendar Year, or Ways to Avoid Dropping Out

1. Spend less time with friends.
2. Spend more time downtown and less in Tenley/Friendship; also, spend more time off-campus.
3. Attend concerts. Go clubbing. Have fun.
4. Cook more, i.e., refuse to sacrifice myself on the Tavern/TDR Altars of Convenience.
5. Spend at least two hours a week working on actual assignments... why does the voice in my head think this is unrealistic? That's NORMAL.
6. Make non-free time more productive in order to enjoy the actual free time.
7. Keep a tighter reign on the finances.
8. Fix my relationship with my family as much as possible.
9. Learn not only to prioritize, but also to do the resulting priorities.
10. Paint. Draw. Write. Make earrings. Make purses. Take photos.

And, my only resolution for the coming year --
* Take riding lessons.

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